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Spring Challenge


You asked for it and we listened! Century Body will be having a SPRING CHALLENGE beginning Monday 4/15, Tax day, and ending on Sunday May 12th, Mother’s Day. Our challenge will be FUN and engaging. We’ll kick off our challenge with a tax relief post ZUMBA® class breakfast on Monday morning after ZJ’s class, and with much needed wine and snacks after the Monday evening classes with Julie and Bill. The Spring challenge will culminate with on Mother’s Day where you’ll achieve a box on your challenge card for sharing ZUMBA® with your mom or someone that you consider to be a mom in your life. The Spring challenge is shorter than our Fall Challenge but includes several items on Century Body and ZUMBA® history along with some super fun “doing” challenges like sharing the 4 basic rhythms of ZUMBA® and a move from each :)

As always there will be rules that go along with the challenge and will be printed on the back side of the card and posted in the studio. There will be 16 boxes, all of which need filled from a list of 24 challenges, 7 of which are required. Cards must be turned in to ZJ no later than 9:30 a.m. on Monday, May 13th. Winners will be drawn at the conclusion of class on Monday morning.

Grand prize will be 2 months of unlimited ZUMBA and one small group training session per week for 2 months. Other smaller prizes will distributed based on the number of challenge cards turned in.